Motivation Profiles of Football Players: B2-B3 A Study on Individuals with Visual Challenges

Burak CANPOLAT, Fatih Harun TURHAN



Visual impairment is a significant inhibiting factor that affects individuals' daily lives. However, in recent years, it has been recognized that sports have a positive impact on the lives of visually impaired individuals and enhance their quality of life. Sports have become an important tool in meeting the physical, psychological, and social needs of visually impaired individuals. Therefore, understanding and evaluating the participation motivation of visually impaired individuals in sports is crucial to enrich their sports experiences and maximize their potential. In this regard, this study assesses the participation motivation of B2-B3 visually impaired football players who participate in indoor football within the conceptual framework of Goal-Setting Theory proposed by Locke & Latham. The data from B2-B3 visually impaired football players were collected using the Sports Participation Motivation Scale for Disabled Individuals developed by Demir et al., and the collected data were analyzed by applying inferential statistical tests using the SPSS program. According to the findings, there were no significant differences in terms of age and years of sports participation for the variables of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and amotivation. However, regarding the time of onset of disability, it was observed that there was a significant difference in the amotivation subscale, with congenitally visually impaired individuals having higher average scores. In conclusion, this study sheds light on the multifaceted nature of participation motivation among B2-B3 visually impaired football players, emphasizing the need for tailored approaches that consider individual characteristics to enhance their sports experiences and maximize their potential.

Keywords: B2-B3, Football Players, Motivation, Participation in Sports, Visually Impaired

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